
Quick to Anger

I have noticed my patience is thin at work these days.

After several months, and nearing a year with this company, I have ceased to be satisfied with the token answer for incompetence, "They're busy down there." This implies that no one else is busy.

When nearly every day, we receive items that should not come our way, written out instructions are not followed, and even the person in charge of the Service Desk fails to follow the approved process, I have stopped believe they are "busy" and come to learn they are simply being failed by their management.

I have patience for ignorance, but not incompetence through stupidity, and it is showing. When the manager has refused multiple offers to receive training, and team members have reported that he never shares the documents with the team, I do not know how he still has a job.

My fuse is quite short these days with their excuses and idiocy. At this point, I have started treating their responses as lies and talking to them as such. Especially when they decide to bring it up in a morning meeting, and make it out to be a small problem when they can't go through steps in order 1-7, but choose to do steps 4, 5, 6, and only one part of 7 and think that they have succeeded. Then, they continue to have a single point of failure in their boss.

However, not just the service desk, my manager/director continues to try and play things close to the vest, and then take on action items that are never completed by him. We have had the same outstanding action items since I started on PCI-DSS compliance, and instead of completing them, he simply closed the project, but that doesn't negate our liabilities. Then he's always on to the next shiny object, instead of finishing his tasks. It seems that the requirement to be a director is to be able to do 70% of your job, and then the final 30% when it was due the day before.

That means now every time I get pinged by my boss, I am already annoyed, because I know there is a 99.99% chance that I will not care what shiny object he is focused on, and instead want him to do the tasks he has already been assigned.

I think this points to another reason I need to make the time to meditate closer to daily.


Lack of Love, and Simultaneously Full of Love

With an onset of conversations about it lately, I have found myself thinking again about how I don't recall ever being "in" love. I took some time on my recent 26 hours in a vehicle to reflect on this.

Though, I have dated, felt pain in separation, fear of separating, and have been with different partners, I would say that at most, I have been in lust, but never in love.

I love family and friends the same. Should one be in need, and it within my means, I will be there to help as soon as I can. However, I can't say I've had more than that feeling with any one I have dated.

Of late, I find myself somewhat fascinated by the stories of others and how they knew of love. One friend told of a first touch shooting electricity through her. Another said they knew he was the one when being silly and hiding under a bed together.

Much as I have found myself reaction to emotion at times watching stories, based on the formula of the story, but not feeling them, I wonder how much my feeling of love, but not being in love, can be attributed to knowing how I "should" feel, versus how I do feel.

I think about how I can stop doing something so easily that was made into a habit, how I don't feel material attachment to things, and I am ready to move on to something new, or travel far away, at the drop of a hat.

I think about how I do not prioritize dating in my life at all, and have often seen "husbandly duties" as just a duty, or a formula to be followed. One must perform at X level, Y times, per Z period. When A situation occurs, you are obligated to perform B actions. I recall how I would adjust my "lust" level to match the desire of my partner.

I find myself realizing, my relationships have been more about observation, synchronization, and participation than my own feelings.

As I look to find understanding, I come across the psychology of love, in that "romance" is a modern idea, but still fascinating to me. Of the "types of love" noted, I find myself along the lines of "pragma" when reflecting on relationships.

From the 7 types, I have a life full of "philia" (friends), "storge" (family), "agape" (helpfulness), and "philautia" (self-esteem and self-sufficiency). However, "ludus" (unattached seduction) has had a small footprint, and "eros" (passion "in love") being absent.

The thoughts listed on "pragma" (dutiful), speak to things I have thought about during my period of reflection. In the days of arranged marriages (or cultures that still have them), this is the main type of love. I have thought, that I am tailor-made for such things in my wiring. Somewhat like the merging of completely different personalities in "Knocked Up," I think I would be comfortable, and satisfied, with nearly any partner that is also self-sufficient.

So, I continue with my thoughts, and wonder, is this where I am in life. Do I continue to not seek out "eros," "ludus," or even "pragma?" Is the level of satisfaction I am at today, where I want to be in the future?

Do my occasional desires for human contact have bearing on my future, or do I continue to deal with them in the manner I have become accustomed?

I think back to a "funny" story me mum has told about me as a child. I said "dating looks hard. I don't want to date until after I'm married." While, it may seem insignificant and humorous from a child's mouth, I seem to dwell on that thought in more detail. Firstly, one shouldn't stop dating their partner after marriage, but more so that after being put into a situation to have to move forward together, the hard part is done, and dating that person becomes easier.

While "no man is an island unto himself" does that mean one requires a partner to be complete in life, or does that allow for the vast array of friends and family providing enough love to sustain them in a content and happy life?


Not so deep thoughts

After a year at the new gig, I have noticed that our leadership beyond our team level, and up, do not seem to understand what it is that we do day-to-day, and the needs to adequately accomplish our mission. After a number of times of bringing things up with solutions to enable the teams to move forward and support the number of customers they wish to have, no progress seems to have been made. Our manager, of all our teams, has even thrown myself and my team lead under the bus as sacrifices, as well as, simply played on his phone when we bring up items of dire need during meetings, being overtly dismissive of our problems. At the very top of our organization, tools are the least of the focus, with simply bringing on more customers, all while claiming to be able to handle many things we are not able to. Although, in the latest meeting with the over all teams' manager, he even noted he has tired of lying to customers, he made more false statements that continue my inability to believe his word.

Our team has been rather depleted on the morale front for the last few months, as a result of many problems going unfixed and concerns brushed aside. Even our last meeting showed that leadership doesn't pay attention to the teams responsible for the day-to-day promises we give our customers by refusing to follow the company's core values, especially with regards to transparency.

After finally having my one-on-one with my team lead, and learning that everyone looks to me for guidance most of the time, and my understandable anger at the lack of progress, or even signs of caring about making progress, has our lowest analyst likely complaining to the teams' manager and his boss, as he is friends with them both, I am seriously thinking of starting a job search in earnest.

As I thought about his words, I realized that although I consult with other team members from time-to-time, I have come as far on the tools as can be expected, and the investigations we have gone through haven't really brought about any new learning opportunities for me. Plus, any internal tools we have developed, I have been the oversight for, and not really learned anything knew there. I realized that I have not had any mentoring, only friendship. After dealing with the other teams' inability to clean up after themselves, and the rest of the organization failing to take any responsibility, or ownership, of tasks, I have said multiple times, I am tired of coming to work to be everyone's dad. Especially since I am one of the few who doesn't even have kids.

With our opportunities for training being minimal, and benefits not really keeping up with promises, as well as, my team lead bringing up my salary a few too many times in our one-on-one, I am taking the time to seriously consider what I want to do in the future, and how soon I no longer wish to be a part of this company. Though my plan is to have all of my interest-bearing debt paid off by October, I am comfortable enough that I could pack up and find a new job just as easily, and even with a return to my previous salary range, having a company that actually invests, and has people above my skill range is much more enticing. However, I do contemplate simply signing up for teaching, peace corps, or a job that is 100% in another country. Many things to think about in the next few weeks and months about where I want to go in life.


Japan Day-by-day

Flights over:

  • ABQ to IAH
    • Neighbor guy was very excited about his trip to meet his "girlfriend" courtesy of foreignladies.com
    • A lot of turbulence, but made it okay
  • IAH to MCI
    • Taco for meal at IAH
    • Sent a few messages to family in the area to say hi
    • Neighbor from Mexico recently was out in San Francisco
    • Across the aisle a librarian of 31 years for the KC School district
    • Mellow landing
  • MCI to SFO
    • Auto kiosks for ticketing were off until 04:00 CST
    • Installed updates on my laptop
    • Found working power outlet under a water fountain & across from the United ticket counter
    • Thankfully, one store was open 24 hours, grabbed a chicken pesto Panini
    • Charged my devices, and watched my stories
    • Free upgrade to 1st class on the plane
    • Slept through nearly everything
  • SFO to NRT
    • Ate "breakfast" croissant
    • Bought my dad his requested liquor, but it wouldn't fit in my packed carry-on
    • Plenty of room on the plane though (thankfully)
    • A lot of newer movies & some games
    • Full meal nearly immediately after takeoff
    • Only a 10.5 hour flight
    • Custom forms were "fun"
    • At least 10 stewardesses
    • About 1.5 hours from NRT we got fed again
  • Day 1
    • Walked to Hotel from Ueno, with only a minor hiccup (construction confusion)
    • Taiyaki stop en route to dinner
    • Nice art gallery, friend grabbed some postcards
    • Found some $150 computers
    • Went to Yodobashi Camera Akiba
    • Bought a new Nikon camera, and the battery was already fully charged
    • Shabu Shabu was different, but still good
    • Sent detailed directions from landing to Ueno to hotel for Wohlford
  • Day 2
    • Just in time for breakfast
    • Walked to Ueno
      • Browsed at the traditional sweet shop on the way
      • saw several "clubs" en route too
    • Went to Japan Sword
      • perused the museum upstairs
      • bought a practice pair of swords and stand
      • bought a book about tsuba (hand guard) art
      • got a free tenugui (long cloth)
    • Stopped at a nearby shrine
    • Walked back from Suehirocho station
    • Dropped off swords/other in the room
    • Taiyaki en route to lunch
    • Ramen for lunch
    • Wandered around Akihabara (Akiba)
    • McMillan bought the nicer camera the lady tried to sell me the day before
    • Figure stores galore perused
    • Played a Final Fantasy game in the arcades (got our Arcade cards)
    • Played a shooting game
    • Dinner at Lawsons (convenience store)
  • Day 3
    • Nearly missed breakfast (again)
    • Went to Comiket
      • All ads on the train were for Otamart
      • Nearly all on day one of Comiket was BL
      • Bought a guide though where we found out about the better days to attend
    • Yakitori for "lunch" at 14:00
    • Went to "Docks" shopping area on Odaiba
    • Neighborhood Ramen/Noodle shop for dinner with a Taiyaki stop beforehand
    • Other friend delayed at least 3 hours
  • Day 4
    • Tsukiji
      • Found good knives, but you definitely paid for them
      • grabbed a pink/white fish paste roll
      • not nearly as bad as last time
      • too many tourists not even buying anything
    • Yoshinobu for lunch, which is an unagi chain store (eel)
    • Comiket again
      • Wohlford already had blisters on his feet and moved VERY slowly
      • closed before we got to the area that was really interesting that day
    • Maidreamin
      • Free idol show from the last visit
      • Made Wohlford get all 3 pictures
      • just missed last call for food orders
    • PayPal taking care of hotel monies
    • Sushi at Ueno Station for dinner
  • Day 5
    • Missed breakfast (found out if tablet is shutoff the alarm doesn't actually auto start)
      • Had meat buns instead
    • Zojoji temple
      • takoyaki
      • bought Hello Kitty masks
      • Jizou status trail
    • Tokyo Tower
      • Went to wrong station (my mistake in old directions was a letter off on the station)
      • We walked quite a ways (over 30 minutes)
      • found some nice shots
      • went to both levels
      • got some souvenirs
      • Crepes were had out front
    • Skipped Sengakuji temple
    • Sky Tree
      • Eel place for dinner
    • Yushima shrine at midnight
      • Lost Wohlford, enjoyed some takoyaki though, and found him before we left
  • Day 6
    • Hard to get the boys up after the late night at the shrine
    • at Tansuya got a nice coat to wear with my kimono from last trip
    • Sensoji Temple
      • enjoyed several shops in the area
      • boys got some Good fortunes
      • I got a minor bad one - can't get married this year
      • We all tied them to the post
      • Found Geta & Zori shoes in my size
    • Ueno Park
      • went to the hilltop shrine
      • skipped going into the shrine in the middle of the pond
      • foreigners kept feeding the birds, right in front of the don't feed the birds signs
    • Zigzagged back to the hotel to avoid > 10 blocks of the line to the Yushima Shrine
    • Akihabara
      • Wohlford got Kelliker a present
      • Kyoei Sport was closed
      • at Shosen book store, we all bought a few books
        • Had all but one of the remaining JLPT practice exam books
      • Nadeshiko Sushi was delicious
      • Yodobashi Camera
        • Got last needed JLPT practice exam book
        • Totoro gifts
  • Day 7
    • Emperor visit
      • Wohlford picked up a chick for the duration
      • Emperor still didn't answer when I said "wassup"
    • Meiji Jingu Shrine
      • Surprisingly quiet near Harajuku
    • Harajuku
      • Almost missed Kiddyland's Hello Kitty level
      • Oriental Bazaar was closed
      • at Condomania Wohlford got condoms
      • Still no kimono for Wohlford's mom
      • Delicious food stalls
    • Akiba
      • Wohlford scored another fukubukuro (lucky bag)
      • Got a Nexus 7 for < $80
      • Arcade fun
        • found can only use RFID card on one machine at a time (no sneaking extra points)
  • Day 8
    • Mitsubashi Mae Station
      • Tomoya Wakai traditional instruments and harp playing
      • Tailor would take through February to make a suit
    • Missed Kabuki by 15 minutes
    • Laundry day
    • Taiyaki for pre-dinner & dessert
    • Jonathan's for dinner
      • Beef Stew Omelette rice
      • All-you-can-drink bar (soft drinks)
  • Day 9
    • went to Tokyo station
    • Got our JR pass (in a very hot room)
    • Rode a Shinkasen to Shin-Osaka 
      • which was faster than the Google guessed
    • Got to Koyasan after dark
      • Last cable car up for the night
    • Thankfully found an open temple with a room
    • Too late for dinner though
    • Wohlford extra snoring
    • Nice Kotatsu in the room though
  • Day 10
    • Morning meditation for about 1.5 hours
    • breakfast in our room (though there was a sign for the breakfast room near the meditation room)
    • Went through Okunoin
      • vast graveyard
    • Rode bus back to cable car station with several large bag-carrying Aussies blocking the aisles
    • Made it to Kobe
      • Had steak at A-1
        • very tasty
        • not too expensive (~$140 for 3 meals and 1 drink)
    • Capsule Hotel
      • HUGE bath
      • Large Manga collection & several PCs upstairs
        • Vagabond by Inoue Takehito was written down for future reference on a good looking manga
  • Day 11
    • Hiroshima
      • Early morning Shinkansen
      • Castle (restored) museum
      • Parks
      • A-Bomb Dome
      • Nuclear museum (very depressing)
    • Miyajima
      • Torii in the water
        • not buried, but stands on its own weight
      • Anago for dinner (sea eel)
        • Very nice owner of dinning and hotel store
      • Went through shrine
    • Kyoto via Shinkansen
      • Hotel Westin 3 beds @ 23:00 JST
      • Only 3 nights available at a great price
      • Used card, but couldn't swing the ANA bonus points
        • Tried to get a Starwood account to sneak them post-checkin
  • Day 12
    • Kyoto
      • Went to Nat'l Art museum
        • swords up close was a 60 minute wait
        • Pottery
        • Clothing
        • Monkey exhibits (year of the monkey)
      • Mister donut for breakfast
      • Okonomiyaki for lunch
      • Manga museum
        • tons of manga available for reading
        • few exhibits
      • Kyoto Yodobashi for dinner
        • Noodle shop
        • Had some kids books for sale
          • A few of the elementary books looked harder than JLPT5
  • Day 13
    • Kyoto
      • Bamboo forest
      • Wohlford got a kimono for his mom
      • McMillan got fabric owls & bamboo shop owl for his grandma
      • lots of traditional shops/goods
      • breakfast across in the station
      • lunch are near long hike through park
        • had takoyaki, ramune and crepe
      • stopped back at hotel
      • dinner at mall across street
        • Ramen
      • Got Hip-Hop CD & Phone charm
      • Got sword keyring for brother
      • Got nice fan with Falcon
  • Day 14
    • Had to check out of nice hotel
    • Omurice for breakfast
    • Went to the Inari Shrine
      • climbed up to the summit via back way with a waterfall
      • climbed down via steps with a lot of people
      • Giant serving of Yakisoba for lunch
    • went to Goin district, but most shops were closed
    • Unagi set for dinner
    • Stayed at Ryokan/capsule hotel
      • amazing English at front desk
      • basically a 1K apartment with foldable foam mattresses
  • Day 15
    • Tried to stop by traditional food shop recommended by front desk, but it didn't have breakfast
    • Mister Donut self-service at the station though
    • Killed some time in a bookstore
      • bought Shinsengumi book
    • Shinkansen to JR lines to Fuji city
      • lunch at one of a few open spots in town
    • Then to normal Mt. Fuji station
      • Walked to Wohlford's "shot"
    • JR back to Ueno
    • Walked through park back to hotel
    • Dinner at the noodle place
      • Taiyaki stops before and after
    • Laundry
  • Day 16
    • Ikebukuro wandering
    • Stopped at #1 Ramen shop for lunch
      • 60 minute wait in line
    • Akiba wandering
      • found used item store
      • bought Balman some sake
      • Nadeshico sushi round 2
  • Day 17
    • Japan Sword round 2
    • Joypolis
      • Indoor amusement park
    • Korean BBQ for lunch
    • Akiba to get a tablet for Wohlford
    • Split up for dinner
      • Random noodle shop en route to hotel
      • taiyaki of course too
      • Wohlford had McDonald's
  • Day 18
    • Kabuki
      • bento with onigiri for lunch
      • two great older ladies were beside me
    • Recharged Pasmo 2,000 yen, already had done another 1,000 yen previously
    • Afternoon (17:00) Akiba
      • No luck on laptop
      • lost & found Wohlford
      • Dinner at Yodobashi
        • Had a whole ika (squid)
  • Day 19
    • Found out I couldn't mail liquor
    • Tokyo Dome City
      • Skipped the festival of food
      • Did Roller-coaster (Thunder Dolphin)
      • Sushi for lunch
      • Crepes afterwards
      • Jump store was lackluster this time
    • Akiba
      • Got laptop
    • Ueno wandering for dinner
      • Okonomiyaki eventually
    • Wohlford walked through "yellow light" district
    • Found couldn't get 5 tickets to Ghibli museum
  • Day 20
    • Mailed our swords back home
    • Met Matty & Elizabeth for lunch
      • Tokyo station Ramen
      • Slightly better Jump store
      • Another Totoro item
    • Went to Harajuku again
      • Oriental Bazaar was open
      • Kiddyland
      • 100 yen store
    • Origami "museum"
    • Taiyaki
    • Shinjuku for dinner with Matty & Elizabeth
      • HUGE station caused some issues
    • Matty stopped by for a few drinks with Wohlford
      • Almost missed the last train back to Shinjuku
  • Day 21
    • Later start (forgot about alarm again)
    • Went to Sky Tree
      • McMillan grabbed another candy art to take back
    • Stopped at Art Gallery again
    • Grabbed ~$80 laptop for my brother
    • Ramen for dinner
    • Boys went to arcade, while I did laundry & relaxed
  • Day 22
    • Heading to Sumo put another 1,000 yen on the Pasmo
    • Gen Admin were sold out
    • Went next door to the Edo-Tokyo museum
      • lunch on the 7th floor at nearly 15:00
      • Wohlford split ways after lunch and didn't finish museum
      • finished museum after lunch
    • tried and failed to get to pawn shop (it was closed)
    • Back to Akiba
      • McMillan got some figures
      • Went to Sengoku Cafe for dinnner
        • Dude next to us spent over $100 by himself (our combined bill was less than $60)
  • Last day
    • Sleet/Snow/Rain
    • Went to a couple game shops
      • including Retro Game
    • Met Matty at Ueno for final Ramen lunch
    • Went back to hotel to get bags
    • Wohlford was powering through and we lost him
      • he ended up on a faster/more expensive train ride back
      • our train had some delays, but saved us a few dollars
    • Met up with Wohlford at the gate for the flight
  • NRT to ORD
    • GREAT ANA flight
    • Enjoyed 2 Japanese & 2 Bollywood movies, plus the food
  • ORD to MCI
    • Customs wasn't as bad as last time
      • neither was security
    • Changed clothes & socks
    • Grabbed snack
    • ended up on a partner/partner tiny plane and had to check carry-ons
    • Stewardess was too large to fit down aisle without bumping everyone in an aisle seat
  • MCI to DFW
    • TSA checked our big checked bags messing up all the packing
    • I had a 9 hour layover before ticket gate opened, as it closed 10 minutes before we landed
    • Rearranged checked bag
    • Tested new laptop
    • Went through work emails
    • Played new games on the Nexus 7
    • Chatted with Matty & more
  • DFW to ABQ
    • Grabbed a snack, that I ended up finishing on the plane
    • Slept from takeoff to landing
Had to grab a cab back home, as everyone was in class, but made it, unpacked, ate, and then passed out for about 14 hours before work the next day.


Running a game

Brought back an older game from Japan. Had to go through several steps to get it working.

First, had to setup a Japanese Windows 2000 VM on VMWare Player.

Next, had to go get the Service Pack 4, for the Japanese version (w2ksp4_ja.exe). Then, had to get Windows2000-KB835732-x86-JPN.exe, which for the actual Japanese version you have to change en-us to ja-jp in the URL, otherwise selecting the Japanese version doesn't give you the proper language pack for the install. Now, you can install VMWare tools on the VM, as it requires the KB, and that requires at least SP2, but I couldn't find SP2, only SP4 (which is cumulative). This will enable beyond 256 colors.

Then, had to grab Direct X 8.1b for the graphics.

Also, it required a special game pack, RPGXP_RTP103, which installed some specific DLLs

Finally, this was able to get the game to start up. Now, I'll just have to figure out the translations as I go through the RPG...


Maximum 24 hours of happiness

I have noticed here in ABQ that the whole fam can only seem to be happy for a maximum of 24 hours.

Someone has to have some external or internal drama to make everyone in the house go from happy to melancholy.

Then, no one shares plans for the day except for me. Even stranger, there are often claims to do things for the family, but really have personal motivations, without any thought of the consequences, whether financial or emotional, of the actions. For instance, we have portable air conditioners that only can handle 1/2 of the downstairs, but one is always upstairs, instead of the 2 required for downstairs, and someone keeps opening the windows during the hottest parts of the day. This makes the A/C never turn off and the electric bill just keeps rising. Somehow, they are surprised when the bills go up. Even in the upstairs room, they open a window "for fresh air," but leave the A/C turned down even more. We got a second vehicle to make taking the kids around easy, but again, the happiness only lasted a maximum of 24 hours and then everyone is sulking and hiding in their rooms during the day.

If it is still going like this after I get done with court in October, I am going to strongly suggest they start going to a psychiatrist for individual and/or couple sessions.


Passage of Time

It only took my Brother 6 years to remember that I can't eat pizza. I hope it doesn't take him that long to remember that I don't eat within 2 hours of my bed time.

Been here a month, and he keeps forgetting time is a thing, likely because he only has to work 3 days a week. I on the other hand, still have to get up at 06:00 every day, and they don't seem to get up until about my lunch time, regardless of when they went to bed. He then wonders why even though it is still light out, I am winding down for bed.

Hopefully, it clicks soon for him. The down side of it really is that they get started so late, they are out and about when I'm off work, and as I still don't have a car, that means I can't do anything until they get back, which tends to be after a normal dinner time has passed, and making a meal takes at least an hour, but he likes to grill, which means even longer.